IVE 장원영, 유튜버 상대로 1억 원 손해배상 소송에서 승소 > 자유게시판

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IVE 장원영, 유튜버 상대로 1억 원 손해배상 소송에서 승소

페이지 정보

작성자 MangKAnor
댓글 0건 조회 456회 작성일 24-01-17 18:59



Jang Won-young of the girl group IVE has received 100 million won in compensation in a lawsuit filed against the YouTuber.

According to the legal profession on the 17th, Judge Park Ji-won of the Civil Division 210 of the Seoul Central District Court ruled that Park Ji-won should pay compensation of 100 million won to Jang Won-young in a lawsuit filed by Jang Won-young against Park's mother. He is the operator of the YouTube channel Talduck Camp.

Earlier, Jang Won-young and her agency, Starship Entertainment, filed a lawsuit against Ms. Park, alleging that Taldeok Jinyoung was defaming Ms. Park by continuously spreading false information.

Among them, this judgment is in accordance with a lawsuit filed by Jang Won-young, and it ended with no response on the 21st of last month because Park did not respond.

Starship said, "The lawsuit filed by Starship is scheduled to be heard sometime this month," and "The criminal complaint filed against Taldeok Camp has recently been sent from the police to the prosecutor's office and is awaiting a strict judicial review."

Taldeok Camp is a YouTube channel that produces videos based on malicious rumors about idols, and the music industry is calling for strict punishment for the channel's operators. The current channel has been deleted.

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